Our Patients’ Health Comes First
At Jackson Park Hospital and Medical Center, our philosophy about healthcare is simple: When people come to the hospital for care, we provide it. When patients inform us that they do not have health insurance and cannot afford the cost of healthcare, we work hard to minimize the financial impact on them. Our team of Financial Counselors can help to answer patients' questions about insurance coverage, identify gaps in coverage, determine alternative methods of coverage, set up payment plans and can assist patients with completing insurance forms and applying for public assistance or the Jackson Park Hospital Financial Assistance Program.
For information on patient financial assistance please call (773) 947-7500 ext. 7996.
Para la informacion acerca de ayuda financiera paciente en español, llama por favor (773) 947-7500 ext. 7996.
Other Payment Options
Jackson Park Hospital understands that unique circumstances may affect each family's financial situation. Therefore, if a patient does not qualify for financial assistance and is unable to pay in full, we ask the patient to make a good-faith effort by contacting a Financial Counselor at (773) 947-7500 ext. 7996 to discuss available options such as:
Establish a payment plan. A payment plan can allow a patient to pay a bill in reasonable increments over an extended period of time. Compared to paying the bill all at once, many individuals find payment plans easier to fit into a monthly budget.
Alternative methods of coverage. A Financial Counselor can assist patients in identifying potential alternative coverage methods such as Medicaid, Kids Care, Illinois Crime Victim's funds, or other government sponsored plans.
Our Approach to Patients Who Choose Not to Pay
Jackson Park Hospital is sensitive to the needs of individuals who simply cannot afford healthcare.
At the same time, we also have an obligation to be a good steward of our community resources. While being fair and compassionate to those in our community who cannot pay their hospital bills, we also must be fair to those who do pay their bills. We are willing to work with patients to set up payment plans if they cannot pay their bill in full.
Occasionally, there are patients who can afford to pay, but choose not to. These patients compromise the hospital's ability to continue providing high-quality healthcare to all. They also contribute to higher healthcare costs for everyone. These patients could be referred to a collection agency.
Call for More Information
Jackson Park Hospital Financial Counselors are available at (773) 947-7500 ext. 7996, Sunday through Saturday from 8:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. or by appointment.
Para la informacion acerca de ayuda financiera paciente en español, llama por favor (773) 947-7500 ext. 7996.
Collection Practices of Jackson Park Hospital and Medical Center
All patients are responsible for payment to cover services they received at Jackson Park Hospital. For your convenience, we will bill your insurance company directly, so you don’t need to fill out and mail paper claims.
To help assure that your claim is filed properly, please make sure to provide complete, accurate and current information about your insurance company, including your policy number, insurance company billing address and more. Most of this information is right on your insurance card. We’ll also need your current address and the name, address and social security number of the guarantor or member on the insurance card. Sometimes, this is a spouse or parent.
You will be asked to authorize an appropriate release of medical information so that we can process your insurance claim. You’ll also be asked to assign payment of insurance benefits directly to the hospital for any unpaid services.
If You Have More Than One Insurer
If your medical coverage involves more than one insurer, Jackson Park Hospital will help facilitate the claims processing for both insurers. For example, some patients are covered by Medicare and by a private insurance company. In this case, we will file with both Medicare and the private insurer.
If You Don’t Provide Insurance Information
If you do not provide insurance information when you come to Jackson Park Hospital, your account will be classified as "self pay." That means you – rather than an insurance company – are completely responsible for paying your bill. If you are a self-pay patient, you will be asked to pay when you receive service. Emergency care and medically necessary care are never delayed or withheld because of a patient's inability to pay.
For Patients with Medicare
If you are covered by Medicare, Jackson Park Hospital will bill Medicare for services provided here. Medicare Part A applies to care provided to patients admitted to the hospital. Medicare Part B applies to services provided on an outpatient basis.
If you are covered by Medicare and are scheduled for an outpatient test, be sure to get an order from your doctor, specifying the exact test you need and the medical reason.
You should know that some tests are not covered by Medicare because they don’t meet Medicare’s Medical Necessity Requirements. If you have one of these non-covered tests, you will be asked to sign a Medicare Advanced Beneficiary Notice (ABN).
The ABN form acknowledges that you were told that Medicare does not cover the test, and that you accept financial responsibility to pay for the test.
Payment Procedures
Even if you have health insurance, you (or the guarantor on your policy) are still responsible for your hospital bill.
Jackson Park Hospital will file your claim directly with your insurance company. We will send you monthly statements about your account, so you can keep track of any unpaid balance. If you do not receive a notice from the hospital or insurer that your balance has been paid, please contact your insurer to expedite payment.
You may be responsible for paying a portion of your bill, even after your insurance company pays part of it. If you cannot pay the balance, please see the Finanical Assistance Plain Language Summary above for options, or call 773-947-2310.
You can pay with cash, personal check, debit card or major credit card (Visa and MasterCard).
Paying for Emergency Care
Our patients’ well being comes first. Emergency treatment is never withheld because of a patient’s inability to pay.
Call for Payment Information
If you would like to discuss payment arrangements or request financial assistance, please call our Patient Financial Services at (773) 947-7500 ext. 7996.