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Open House for new Maternity Unit

JPH proudly celebrates its new Maternity Unit Open House.


Take a Photo Tour of Our Newly Created Maternity & Postpartum Units

Building for our mothers and babies...the newly created Labor, Delivery, Recovery Suites and Postpartum Unit.

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Feb 16, 2012 07:11 PM

Drew's Test Article

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Going Green!

The best aspect of our new medical office building is that it is "green". In other words, it was designed in an environmentally responsible and beautiful way. Jackson Park Hospital has been an anchor of our south side community for almost 100 years, and with our new building, continues its commitment to the community.

Results: 14 Article(s) Found.


Jackson Park Hospital
& Medical Center

7531 Stony Island Avenue
Chicago, Illinois 60649
Telephone: (773) 947-7500
