I. Introduction
The mission of the physicians, staff, and Board of Directors of the Jackson Park Hospital Foundation is to provide compassionate and high quality healthcare services to meet the needs of the patients and communities we serve.
In the midst of a rapidly changing healthcare environment, we will realize our mission by providing comprehensive healthcare services with strong interdepartmental collaboration and high quality facilities.
We believe that all human beings possess intrinsic value. We strive to ensure:
Our operations will be patient-centered
All patients will be treated with dignity and respect
Patient’s rights will be honored
We will serve anyone in need of healthcare regardless of race, gender, national origin, disability, age, or ability to pay. We believe in high levels of ethical and professional conduct. We believe in operating in an efficient and effective manner in order to remain a viable community healthcare provider.
Who We Are
Jackson Park Hospital is a not-for-profit, community based, full service acute care hospital located on Chicago’s Southeast side in a Federally Designate Healthcare Professional Shortage Area (HPSA). We are Safety-Net hospital that serves a medically underserved community comprised of more than 50% Medicare and Medicaid patients. Jackson Park Hospital has a long standing commitment to its community. We provide Financial Assistance to those in need. We also provide charity care to those eligible patients who cannot afford to pay or are not eligible for coverage under the Affordable Care Act.
II. Implementation Strategy: Goals and Objective
Jackson Park Hospital’s Implementation Strategy was designed to promote quality healthcare to residents of the southeast side of Chicago. We maintain a strong commitment to the community and formulating outreach programs that address the social and healthcare concerns of residents in neighboring communities. The hospital is ambitious in strengthening current relationships and building new alliances with agencies and organizations that have the same goals and dedications for the communities that we serve.
Jackson Park Hospital and Medical Center has set the following goals on behalf of its Implementation Strategy:
To promote good health and improve the quality of life.
Jackson Park Hospital provides and maintains charity assistance to the uninsured and underinsured. This policy includes free and discounted care to those unable to pay for medical care and services. Jackson Park Hospital has a long standing relationship with First Source (previously Medassist), a company that provides assistance to patients and families to obtain insurance coverage from Medicaid, Medicare or other government sponsored programs. First Source services are available seven days a week and there is no cost to the patient or their family members.
The hospital renders free of charge medical care and services to indigent and un-domiciled patients in need of healthcare. If First Source is unable to find insurance coverage for the patient, they will assist the patient and or family in completing a charity care application, free of charge.
A wide range of services and programs are provided to assist individuals with identifying and exercising their health options, including supportive services, health screenings; informational education, training and/or seminars.
The hospital offers free blood pressure/hypertension screenings, diabetes risk assessments, P.S.A. laboratory testing, pulmonary function testing; including information on health and nutrition, breast self-exams and mammography’s in its outreach events.
The outreach staff visit surrounding neighborhoods, participating in events and health fairs, providing information and services not only to people who are sick but also to teach community residents how to stay healthy.
To improve and maintain health within our communities.
The hospital recently developed a relationship with a new assisted living facility in the community to provide primary healthcare to its occupants by opening an on-site clinic at the facility thru our family practice residency program.
To cultivate both social and health care by championing education.
Each summer we enlist the support of 12-15 inner-city youths, identified through a local social service agency, surrounding high schools and colleges to train our future leaders in the field of healthcare. These students are on-site for 8 weeks and are assigned to a professional staff person for June to August. The hospital has been committed to this program since 1975.
Medical education is provided to 18 full-time Family Practice residents from various medical schools. These residents see patients at local supportive living facilities as well as skilled nursing homes in addition to the patients they serve at the hospital.
Since many of the hospital’s healthcare users are women and children, the hospital is very dedicated to teaching parents the importance of immunizations and reducing the outbreak of many childhood communicable diseases. The Jackson Park Hospital Immunization Program provides community outreach to increase the number of children immunized from infancy through elementary school. We also provide discounted back to school physicals and in cooperation with the City of Chicago, free Flu immunizations to children 6 to 18 years old.
We have previously operated and managed two school based clinics in the cooperation with the Chicago Public School system. These clinics were closed in 2015 because the schools were closed for remodeling.
The hospital in conjunction with the WIC (Women Infants and Children) Program provides nutrition education and appropriate food items for eligible pregnant women, infants and children up to age 5.
III. Communities Served
a. Primary Service Area
For acute care medical services, Jackson Park Hospital serves patients from the 60615, 60621, 60637, 60649, 60619, and 60617 zip codes. For psychiatric services, the service area is from the greater Chicago area.
b. Population
The population in Jackson Park Hospital’s service area is described as primary and compared to Cook County and the State of Illinois as a whole.
Economic Profile
(2010 Census)
2010 Median
Service Area Income
Primary $34,795
Cook County $54,548
Illinois $56,797
Demographics – Population
(2010 Census)
Service Area Population
Primary 320,648
Cook County 5,238,216
Illinois 12,848,554
IV. Community Health Care Needs
In an effort to determine what types of programs and services would better support the needs of the communities served by Jackson Park Hospital, the hospital has used the Illinois Hospital Association’s 2015 Professional Research Consultants – Community Health Needs Assessment which includes the service area of the hospital. We have also drilled down into the data by our primary service area zip codes to obtain more specific information related to the primary service area.
The hospital engaged a research and marketing group, PACO, to better determine the health needs, outreach, education and marketing opportunities within our primary service area. They conducted focus groups to determine maternity and geriatric needs of the community as well as recommend a plan to market and reach this community.
V. Conclusion
Jackson Park Hospital is committed to providing compassionate and high quality healthcare services to meet the needs of the patients and communities it serves on a daily basis. For this reason, Jackson Park Hospital continues to be diligent and determined to have a meaningful impact on its patients by improving the facility, services, and partnering with others who share the same goals.